The Community, Issue 12: Part 4.1
Page 303 Panel 1: A few moments later, the young woman approaches with a keen eye at the top of the thing. You can see a look of fascination in her eyes as she speaks.
(to herself) Your new...! Probably some tracker drone. Still, worth a look though.
Panel 2: A two-part set of panels that sees her standing moments later at a separate part of the wreckage; her left hand taking off the shoe that she took off between here and the previous panel.
(Cont.) There might be something juicy inside.
Panel 3: In the second part, a few seconds later, Amelia uses the shoe as a hammer on the top of the craft with as much as she can muster.
Panel 4: Cut to a close-up of the top of it after awhile of this; 8 smacks, to be exact. The result is barely any substantive damage, though it doesn't stop her from trying.
(exhausted, Off-Panel) Come...on...asshole! Crack for...mama!
Panel 5: A few seconds later, we hear a familiar voice piercing in from off-panel left; the setting and layout similar to Panel 4. As a result, you can see Amelia's shoe resting right on top of the lid just before it went full force.
(Off-Panel) Looks like you could use an extra hand.
Panel 6: Cut to a shot of Ms. Borah appearing on the scene a few blocks away and closing; Amelia's back in the foreground. You can see Winnie stopping in the bottom left corner post-run.
(pointed, to Jesminder) Good of you to join the party, Jes. What kept you?
(half grin, to Amelia) Dealing with a...Prime douchebag. You know what it's about?
Panel 7: We move to a close-up on Amelia shrugging her shoulders, unsure about the answer. You can see part of the shoe in the bottom of the panel view as it rests on her side along with her hand.
(honestly) Not sure, thus the egg cracking bit. Think I'm close to getting inside though.
(Off-Panel) Then I arrived just in time...!
Page 304
Panel 1: We move to a shot of Jes a handful of feet off the ground; her focus and hands focused to the door of the drone, opening it with her TK.
(Cont., confident) Should be easy, like helping my huh- girlfriend pop a jar of Paneer!
Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Amelia glancing in the young/old woman's direction as she works, confused by the reference.
(looking for clarification, to Jesminder) What's paneer?
Panel 3: A two-part set of panels that shifts back to Ms. Borah; the setting and layout similar to Panel 1. She glances from her periphery at Amelia to explain the food.
(explanatory, to Amelia) It's cottage cheese with a dash of lemon juice mixed in. It's reallllyy good, especially with a bowl of Rista...
Panel 4: In the second part, she stops mid-thought at the same time the top of the device pops off off-panel.
(Off-Panel) There we go!
Panel 5: We move to an action shot of Amelia a few moments later, picking up the Sonic Screwdriver Lynn put inside it.
(sudden realization) Oh crap, this must have come from Cee's American girl- the pocket Amazon.
Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. She quickly scans the device on the fly, piecing together how to operate it.
(Cont.) Gotta thank her for the handy tools once we're back Stateside.
(Off-Panel) You've got your mission, I trust.