The Community, Issue 12: Part 4.3
Page 307
Panel 1: Action shot of Jesminder a few moments later, firing an extra hard energy formation of a golden heart and sword with wings at the handle, seemingly taken from the cover art of Bon Jovi records.
(grin, heroic banter; translated from Hindu) For the People, asshole...!!
Panel 2: We move to an explosion of the spot on the chopper in question a couple of seconds later; the energy construct disappearing, fading amongst the flames.
Panel 3: Walsh stands up as it starts to descend fast to the ground. He doesn't appear that fazed by the damage; his right hand clutching his phone, holding the power button.
(evil grin, to himself) Ah, Jes...that was fun! Kinda figured this was gonna happen.
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A suit of armor suddenly springs up from the phone, covering his entire body Iron Man-style.
(Cont.) I prepped accordingly...
Panel 5: Cut to a shot of him buzzing out of the hatch to the helicopter, making a beeline off-panel left toward Jes for the coming fight.
"Look who's having an early midlife crisis."
Panel 6: We move to a shot of Ms. Borah, seeing him fly toward her; her arms shifting toward a fight stance.
(Cont., to Walsh) Gonna make your ultimate defeat all the more sweeter, Walsh.
Panel 7: Back to Walsh a split second after firing his first volley at her. You can see a spark of yellow in the bottom of the panel where the energy pulse originated from.
(from the helmet, to Jesminder) I wouldn't be so sure...
Page 308
Panel 1: Action shot of Jesminder being drawn back from the power of the blast, protected by the shield she throws up.
"I tried to be nice after D.C. and the little FBI biz, give you and your coven an out. But you didn't listen. "
Panel 2: We move to an action shot a short time later of the two of them in the heat of battle, exchanging blows with one another.
(Cont., Walsh)
"Then I raised the stakes with Prime and the little kidnapping and such, thinking it might beat some sense into you. But I was wrong."
Panel 3: A short time after the previous panel, an even more powerful beam hits our heroine from off-panel right, driving down the off-panel left direction.
(Cont., Walsh)
"And, here we are...the endgame for all of your nonsense. All because you were too stubborn to listen!"
Panel 4: Cut to Walsh landing on the roof of the building Ms. Borah was driven down to. The faceplate retracts at this moment for the close of the speech; a long energy blade forming from his right wrist.
(Cont.) From Sentry's intel, this won't kill you. But it most certainly will hurt, and make you wish for death.
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Before he can unleash the final blow, a shadow forms from above him off-panel.
(to Walsh, translated from Portuguese) Hey, White boy! You say something about death?
Panel 6: A few seconds later, before Walsh could respond, a large cinder block crashes down on him with a scream and a massive, earth shaking "THUD!" We don't see Celia in the shot, though we do see her purple "BAMF!" smoke a split second before impact.
"How did you know where I ended up?"