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The Community, Issue 12: Part 4.4

Page 309

Panel 1: With a portal in the background, we see the four of them step out to safe ground in a town square away from Nuevo Romano. You can see a sense of celebration, but also exhaustion for everything they've went through.


(to Jesminder, explanatory; center-right) CCTV cameras showed the bulk of the fight after me and Cee got to street level.

Panel 2: Cut to a shot of the screen she saw at that time. You can see part of the top of a building in the lower left of the panel view.


(Cont., Amelia)

"One of the buildings you guys passed happened to be near an earlier fight I had with some NR mercs."


(Cont., Amelia)

"From there, it was a matter of tweaking some poor guard's tech to spot you and Walshie's position."

Panel 3: We move to a shot of Celia standing next to Amelia with a little bit of a flex, putting in her part of the story; an equally proud grin on her face.


(interjecting) Add in a chunk of the cell those brownshirts kept me in, and...


(proud nod) You get that!

Panel 4: Cut to a shot of Ms. Letesha, scratching her head in terms of one part of the story eluding her.


(curious, to Amelia) Oh wow. How were you able to pull that off? I know you're a bit of a tech genius, but...


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) think maybe it was a side effect of getting infected with the virus?

Panel 5: Slight close-up on Amelia shrugging with an equal level of disbelief at the statement, letting out a little chuckle on top of her reply.


(explanatory, as best as possible; to Winnie) It was kinda easy, actually. I just rode this sudden sense of creative energy I've had the past few days and just--rode it to asskickery.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 2) Now that I think about it...maybe. I had some sniffles right around when Celia got sick. Didn't think it was much though.

Panel 6: Back to Winnie, pondering the query to herself from the opposite side of the line as before. As she speaks, you can hear the sound of Celia's phone ringing off-panel.



Maybe the virus had a delayed reaction in your body, causing the powers to manifest later than we had...we should test it out someday.


(Off-Panel) I'd be open for it.

Page 310

Panel 1: A few moments later, we see Celia answer the call for her. You can see from the pleased look on her face the one on the other end is a positive one for her.


(happy, to Lynn) Hey, hon! I was just thinking about you...I'm good- had a pain in the ass of a day. I...Oh, that was you? Oh, wow- honey!...Can't wait to wrap you in my arms again and--

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. After a brief pause listening, her face shifts to one of genuine intrigue; a brief chuckle exiting her lips as she replies.


Really? Yeah, I'd rather see Sousa naked than sit down for a damn interview. If they wanna wheel up some money, or a date with Tatiana Maslany...that's only fair, dear.

Panel 3: As the two of them chat, we see Jes and Winnie standing side-by-side in a bit of a serious chat, examining the big picture of the whole thing.


(slight grin, to Winnie) We did good today.


(concerned head tilt, to Jesminder) Kinda sounds like you're trying to convince yourself of that, boss.


(Bubble 2) No convincing need there, Win. I truly believe we did good today.

Panel 4: Slight close-up on Ms. Borah a beat later, tilting her head back to her friend as she goes through the full elucidation of her point.


(Cont.) We took down a billionaire; helped illuminate the shady shit they tried to pull, and kept a floating city for rich people on the ground.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) Yeah, pretty much.

Panel 5: Cut to a shot of Amelia looking through the window of a bar that they're walking toward at that point in time.


(knowing, to Jesminder) But you're afraid we're about to crash into another hill of hell pretty soon.

Panel 6: We move to a shot of the TV the young woman is seeing; an international news snippet of the shooting in Louisville. You can see some of the patrons inside tilting her heads with shocked eyes at the news.


(Cont., Amelia)

"You might be onto something..."

Page 311

Panel 1: Cut to a shot of the group looking up at the same TV screen, absorbing the news as much as possible moments later. You can see some townspeople crossing behind them on the sidewalk near them and across the street.


(saddened, to the group) Well...shit!


(agreeing nod) Yep...


(chiming in) ..shit!

Panel 2: Slight close-up on Celia a beat later, trying to brighten the mood up of the group; her arms over Jes and Winnie's shoulder, stretching outward to touch Amelia as well.


(to the group, hopeful) We'll get them next time. We've gotten pretty good as a team over the past few months. I trust we can pull it off, if we're needed..


(chuckle, to Celia) Agreed...!


(suggestive, to the group) I could cook up a communication system. So, we can piece up some semblance of our own lives again.


(Bubble 2, to Amelia) Good idea, Lia. But first- I need booze!

Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The group disappears in a cloud of purple smoke moments later, with the same background level as before.


(Cont., Celia)

"Lots and lots of good booze!"

Panel 4: A three-part set of panels that opens on that same setting and layout as Panel 3. The first part is nothing special or unique or anything compared to that aforementioned panel.

Panel 5: In the second part, we see a worker walking over to the window moments later holding a flyer that they plan to tape onto the window.

Panel 6: In the third and final part, after the worker leaves, we see the taped up flyer showing an ad for a Community Choir taking place at the weekend; the first word- "Community"- highlighted in the bottom center of the panel.

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