The Community, Issue 2: Part 4.4
Page 49
Page 50
Panel 1: Back to Jesminder in the same setting/layout as Panel 4 of the previous page. As she finishes her autograph, you can see her glancing up at the fan to give her explanation. You can also see part of the face of an older woman in her 50s who looks a lot like Jes.
(Cont., to Em)
I dye it. It's my way of honoring my mom. She always wanted to dye her hair once before she died. Then the virus came and...
(Off-Panel, to Jesminder)
Panel 2: Cut back to Em in the same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. She has a knowing look on her face, connected to the statement.
At least she went out like a bloody boss- not many people can claim that. There was the Youtube video she did along with the obit. Can't remember how it ended though...
Panel 3: Cut to a screenshot of Jesminder from the aforementioned Youtube video, from a room somewhere. She's much older here with a look of exhaustion and anger plastered all over her face, which is quite pale at this point.
(to camera)
Whatever I end up as in the next life, I guarantee I will find you spineless chodhrus and the putrid system you worship...and I will burn it with the righteous power of Kali straight to the motherfucking ground!
(Bubble 2)
The last thing you will my laughter guiding you to the bowels of Naraka!
Panel 4: Back to Em in the same setting/layout as Panel 2. She chuckles lightly and nods in remembrance of the statement (as aided by Jesminder unseen in the previous panel).
(as she gets the book back)
That's it! Took me a few hours before I realized Naraka is Hindu hell- bloody Legend! I imagine she'd be proud of you today, if she saw you- fighting in the trenches of government, taking out pundits and politicos on Radio 4.
Panel 5: We move back to Jesminder a moment after waving goodbye to her fan; a faint grin on her face.
Yeah. She really would...
(thought bubble)
Sweet girl. Could definitely use a jolt of good luck.
Panel 6: Cut to a shot of Em standing in the middle of the door about to exit the cafe. You can see a TK scalpel hovering over the young woman's head, moments before it digs in.
(Cont., Off-Panel thought bubble)
Hmmm...excising those unfortunate memories of her past two boyfriends is a pretty good start.
Page 51
Panel 1: Full page shot of Jesminder minutes later stepping out of the exit doors herself, putting on a pair of Foster Grant sunglasses as she tries to spot her Lyft.
(Cont., Jesminder)
"And hopefully, a reciprocal sign of good fortune for me."