The Community, Issue 3: Part 3.2
Page 66
Panel 1: Cut to an interior shot of the group- placed in the center of the shot- traveling through one of the wings a short time later. You can see someone on a gurney being wheeled to another room on the floor.
(Cont., Jesminder narrating)
"It shined a light on an area of the country that needed to see it. It roused, I believe, a lot of my countrymen and women to avoid the sideshow America was sliding into at the time."
Panel 2: We move to a shot of Harish filming one of the patients in a hospital room- a middle-aged woman on the very edge of death. You can see there's very few bits of modern medical equipment in the room.
(Cont., Jesminder narrating)
"It was a reminder of our...better angels, to paraphrase from Abraham Lincoln; that we're better than letting a woman die 'cause of the misfortune of where she was born."
Panel 3: Cut to a shot of a surgeon in one of the hospital's few operating rooms, cleaning the area; the sweat soaking through his gown and gloves as well as the mask.
(Cont., Jesminder narrating)
"That we're better than letting surgeons clean their operating room because most of the nursing staff were either infected, quit, or took early retirement."
Panel 4: A short time later, we see Harish moving his camera past a pair of ziploc bags filled with masks. The one to the left is labeled "New" and the other labeled "Old."
(Cont., Jesminder narrating)
"That we're better than letting the ER ward cycle their mask use 'cause the state government couldn't spare the money, and the Prime Minister..."
Panel 5: We jump to another shot in the waiting room of a family crying in one another's arms; the doctor looking on with the same despondent look on his face.
(Cont., Jesminder narrating)
"...couldn't spare a care."
Panel 6: Close-up on Jesminder's eyes watching the scene in that same area, which show the glint of red that is growing to a darker shade on the whole scene.
(Cont., Jesminder narrating)
"True, it didn't have the breakthrough effect as I hoped. But it certainly keep the innings going."
Page 67
Panel 1: Cut to a smattering of headlines left to right from the future on a black background, detailing the institution of the nationwide lockdown as well as modest incentives directed to businesses. The first of these headlines is of a famous Bollywood actor Nihar Ganesh passing away from the virus.
(Cont., Jesminder narrating; just above the first headline)
"Bollywood, in all its grand, magnificent beauty did the rest."
(Cont., Jesminder narrating)
"Got the wheels of government moving in the right direction. The cases hit a peak and, like everywhere else, started to get things somewhat under control."
Panel 2: We flash back to the Lok Sabha a few months later. It's the end of a session with the MPs exiting back to their offices.
(Cont., Jesminder narrating)
"Of course humans, being the infuriatingly idiotic species we often are...we couldn't let that go too long."
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A short time later, we see the Speaker exiting and drifting to the left back to his office. A handful of feet behind him is Jesminder in a half sprint in the same direction.
Panel 4: Cut to an action shot moments later with the Speaker in the foreground and Ms. Borah in the background, hopping up and down in an attempt to get his attention.
(to the Speaker, translated from Hindu)
Mr. Speaker...Mr. Speaker! Rahul!!
Panel 5: We shift to a shot showing the two politicians standing side-by-side with a gap between the two of them. It's here that we see a manila folder in Jesminder's left hand, which is sweaty along with the rest of her face.
(slight sigh, with a touch of annoyance; to Jesminder, translated from Hindu)
You've already made your protestations about the reopening plan being put forth.
(shakes her head)
It's not that. The...<koff> <koff> The team and I finished writing an amendment I want to submit alongside it that'll...
Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Just as she's finishing her thought, Jesminder crumples down to one knee by what looks like a fainting spell.