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The Community, Issue 4: Part 1.1

Page 79

Panel 1: We open on WINNIE LETESHA- a 29 year old nurse at Victoria Hospital in Alice, South Africa. She's dressed in her nurse's scrubs with her ID pinned to the right of her chest, humming along to the music playing from her car radio.



"It was a normal morning for Winnie Letesha. She rared herself for yet another Tenner shift at Donald Gordon Medical Center, listening to Megan Thee Stallion to get her energy up; a trick that had worked last night and the night before."

Panel 2: Action shot a short time later of Ms. Letesha making her way to the elevator, greeting a co-worker as they clock out after working Graveyard.


(Cont., Narrator)

"It also had the benefit of keeping her focused and relaxed, which as she watched the global news was becoming harder to harder to achieve."

Panel 3: Cut to a shot of a packed hospital somewhere in Japan in the early parts of the pandemic. The staff within are all decked out in the same top-to-bottom PPE that we saw in the previous issue.


(Cont., Narrator)

"With every report of increasing death tolls and overworked hospitals globally..."

Panel 4: We move to another news still of a similar scene in Sikka state in India, albeit from a different hospital than Jesminder visited.


(Cont., Narrator)

"...and of hot spots moving perilously closer to home, came a fear the young woman couldn't shake."

Panel 5: Minutes later, we see the nurse stepping out of the elevator and moving to the right. To the right, you can see a sign that reads "3rd Floor"


(Cont., Narrator)

"When is it gonna hit South Africa?"

Panel 6: Winnie clocks in to work a short time after that. To the right of the panel view is her friend and fellow nurse LUAN.


(overtly chipper, to Winnie)

Hey, Winnie!


(slight wince, to Luan) the chipper for when the coffee's buzzing in my system!

Page 80

Panel 1: We move to a side shot of Winnie walking away in the direction of the coffee pot. You can see Luan trailing behind her, instantly intrigued by her statement.


(intrigued, to Winnie)

Another crap date?


(clarifying nod, to Luan)

She was really cute, funny. It started off pretty well.

Panel 2: Cut to a fancy restaurant the previous evening. Winnie, dressed in a pair of nice jeans and an equally nice dark green top, bears the brunt of a fire and brimstone tirade from her date NIA.


(Cont., Winnie)

"Then I told her I never wanted kids, and she called me a 'greedy godless heathen who is driving South Africa, and the rest of the world, into the ground.'"

Panel 3: The argument escalates between them a few moments later; the two of them staring down each other in the midst of a big, loud argument that is starting to get the attention of some of the other customers in the restaurant.


(Cont., Winnine) "Things quickly went to hell after that. I got more than a little pissed, some expletives were tossed to both sides, and...that was that."

Panel 4: We jump to the tail end of the argument: Winnie hurling a glass of red wine in Nia's face before stomping off seconds later.


(Cont., Winnie)

"I spent the rest of the night staying far away from the news and getting four hours sleep before having to clock in."


(Luan, sarcastically)

"Hahaa! Way to really prop up the 'Angry Black Woman' cliche."

Panel 5: Cut to Luan in the present a beat later standing a few feet to the side of his friend. He gives a slight agreeing shrug in terms of the story overall.



But at least it was in the service of smacking down the judgmental.



Haha...true dat!

Panel 6: A split second after taking a big swig of the coffee cup. She lets out a highly ecstatic sigh as the liquid flows down her throat.



That's the bliksemme...!


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