The Community, Issue 4: Part 1.3
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Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that comprises a collection of stills from different parts of her morning: cleaning bedpans, filling out data alongside doctors, switching out I/V bags in one half.
Four Hours...
Panel 2: The second part consists of shots of Winnie cleaning blood from her scrubs and subsequently having to go back to her locker to pick out a fresh pair.
(Connecting to the caption from Panel 1)
...That Felt Like Forty Hours Later
Panel 3: After slipping on the replacement pair of scrubs a few moments later, she closes the door to her locker as a familiar voice pops in.
Yo, Winnie...!
Panel 4: Cut to Luan standing at the doorway of the break room, pointing over to somewhere off-panel left; an intrigued look on his face.
(Cont., to Winnie)
A John Doe just popped up in ER. They're looking for a few nurses to assist, if you're feeling up for it.
"You think this is the virus?"
Panel 5: Action shot of the two of them moments later walking down the hallway in the direction of the room.
(shakes his head, with certitude)
I doubt it. There's no connection to past cases. The guy's a local, hasn't traveled to Japan or any of the other big hotspots.
(still worried, to Luan)
Still, could've gotten it from someone else on the way.
(Bubble 2)
If that were true...wouldn't more press be here, the government?
Panel 6: Cut to a shot of the patient- a 50-something year old man wrapped up in bed, surrounded by a trio of doctors spread out on both sides of the bed. They're all in their regular uniforms, not really prepared for any virus that may arise.
(Cont., Luan)
"Not to mention, we'd have proper PPE before going in."
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Panel 1: Action shot of the assembled staff going to work on the patient. One of the doctors takes the lead, while the other two observe from a distance in the background.
"The doctors worked into the night, formulating a diagnosis based on what they learned about his personal life...his diet."
Panel 2: We move to another doctor a short time later, stepping forward with a question of their own. You can see their colleague partially in the background, silently observing the whole thing.
(Cont., Narrator)
"The type of travel the John Doe had engaged in over the past month."
Panel 3: Cut to Winnie taking a sample of blood freshly drawn from the patient as this is going on.
(Cont., Narrator)
"They drew blood to phase out theories that arose, including one currently occupying much of Winnie's anxieties."
Panel 4: A few moments later, we see the young woman at the doorway with the samples carefully gripped in both hands.
(Cont., Narrator)
"Anxieties that grew by something John Doe mentioned one day during a check-up."
(John Doe)
"I've had a fever about...2 days now."
Panel 5: Cut to a shot of John Doe looking over at one of the doctors as he speaks; his head barely lifting off the pillow. You can see his pale face covered in sweat and, along with the rest of his body, weak.
(Cont., just remembering; to the doctor)\
No, 3 days. Same time as the nausea, too.
(Winnie, thought bubble)
"That...That's just a coincidence. Right?"