The Community, Issue 4: Part 3.1
Page 91
Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. She remains unmoved on the couch, though you can see via the glare of sunlight coming in from the top of the panel view that a great deal of time has passed. To be precise...
Caption 10 Hours...and 1 Week Later- 2:30 P.M. (8 Hours and 1 Week After Winnie Was Scheduled to Return to Work)
Panel 2: We move to a side shot of Winnie a few moments later, moving to the side upon hearing the vibrations of her phone ringing; her arm reaching down off-panel to answer it.
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel moments later. Ms. Letesha looks over at the message on the screen. You can see a jolt of shock and terror buzz through her sleepiness.
Craaaa...<COUGH!> <COUGH!>...aaapp! How the hell did I sleep through the...
Panel 4: Action shot of the young woman quickly leaping out and to the left in the direction of the door. As she does though, to the left of the panel view, Winnie is woozy and discombobulated and stops.
(suddenly queasy)
Panel 5: Cut to her (back in her scrubs and regular top-to-bottom PPE) a short time later walking away from the vending machines, biting into a 3 Musketeers bar underneath her mask.
Caption (Cont., Winnie) "Gonna need something for the blood sugar."
(Off-Panel) Yay, you're not dead...!
Panel 6: Same setting as the previous panel. The layout widens to show Luan standing to the left of him, dressed the same way as Winnie, walking over to work.
(Cont., concerned/happy; to Winnie)
Even though you look pretty damn close to it.
(chuckling, mid-chew) Ehhh....
(Bubble 2)
What the hell happened?
Page 92
Panel 1: Back to a slight close-up on Ms. Letesha a moment later, swallowing what she was chewing at the end of the previous page; the bar, along with her left hand and arm, lowering to her side. You can see a look of mild engagement through the sickness as she speaks.
(defensive, to Luan)
It wasn't intentional. I just wanted to snag a quick cat nap. I didn't think I'd lose an entire freaking week!
(Off-Panel, to Luan)
What happened exactly?
(Bubble 2) It--It started out normal. Then came the dream...
(Off-Panel, Bubble 2)
What kind of dream?
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. She trails off a beat later, flashing in her mind onto one part of what she'd gone through.
(Cont., struggling to find the words)
It's hard for me to describe the dream.
(Off-Panel, to Winnie)
Freaky sex dream? Happened to me sometimes- never for three days though.
(Bubble 2)
It wasn't a sex dream.
Panel 3: Cut to a shot of a beautiful woman the same height as Winnie, smiling at her as she walks by. The mystery woman made of a super dense metal; her skin glowing with the same energy as the glowing energy entity or the formless humanoid or the two doors from the last issue.
Caption (Winnie)
"But it was definitely freaky."
Panel 4: We move back to Luan in the present day as the two of them make their way back to treating the virus patients. He shrugs at the explanation, changing the subject to the latest work biz.
Whatever it was, lucky for you, you're not the big topic of discussion at the hospital. Remember Nurse Okeke in the break room talking about striking? Well...
Panel 5: We move back to Winnie a beat later, nodding affirmatively at the question; a glint of hope and excitement in her eyes, connecting the rest of his statement.
About damn time! I thought the union president was hesitant to the idea of "taking money out of workers' hands" and "screwing with the public welfare during a pandemic."
The two of them came to an understanding how it'd look.
Panel 6: Back to Luan in the same setting/layout as Panel 4. As he speaks, you can see a flash of excitement on his face regarding the plan.
(Cont., smiling)
They got the idea from the Americans actually- one of the better things they gave the world that isn't Chris Pine.