The Community, Issue 4: Part 3.2
Page 93 Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that moves things on to the front of the hospital taken from some different point in time. A phalanx of nurses and other hospital staff are protesting on the street, holding different signs in English, Xhosa, and Pedi.
(Cont., Luan)
"A group of people come out and protest for three hours."
Panel 2: In the second part, the group starts to re-enter the building and we see another group of workers starting to come out; the two of them exchanging the signs as they walk.
Caption (Cont., Luan)
"Then another group comes out, protests for three hours, and so on..."
Panel 3: Back to Luan in the present, moving ever closer to the elevator. You can see a smattering of the boarded up lobby in the background.
(Cont., suggestive)
I'm slated to be out in ten minutes with the next group, if you wanna join me.
Panel 4: A two-part set of panels that goes back to Ms. Letesha a beat later. In the first part, she appears intrigued and excited to join up with it.
Maybe the next group. I should scrub up, and help out...
Panel 5: In the second part, a split second later, she's felled by a painful jolt that hits her stomach and moves up through her upper body.
(Cont., pained)
Holy shh--AGH!
(thought bubble)
Feels like vibranium's growing in my stomach!
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1)
Should be okay. Nothing the rest of this candy bar can't fix...I think.
Panel 6: Back to Luan who's stopped walking at this point; a look of concern on his face, watching his friend in pain.
You okay?
Page 94
Panel 1: A short time later, she's working one of the rooms, checking out readings on the EKG. She tries to keep focus on the work at hand, though there's a tensing in her stomach similar in ways to a stomach bug. You can see a spark of lightning faintly in her retinas.
(thought bubble)
The candy bar didn't do shit. I'd love to leave if we haven't been operating on a bare end of staffing the past--
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A few moments later, as she's writing numbers down, her eyes are pulled upward by a statement from the patient.
(Off-Panel, breathy; to Winnie)
Honey tea...
Panel 3: Cut to the shot of the patient ADASHA- a stocky woman in her 70s with short curly white hair. She looks very sickly, though still with a tiny spark of life; a breathing apparatus helping get air into her lungs.
(clarifying, with repetition)
For that stomach bug of yours: honey tea works wonders, same with cramps.
Panel 4: Winnie nods in acknowledgment to the good idea, flashing a slight grin as she returns to her work. The lightning bolts in her eyes shift into the background out of view.
Thanks. I'll keep it in mind.
Panel 5: Adasha looks over at the young nurse; a brief pause taking place between now and the previous panel. There's a sense in her eyes that she knows what the final outcome will be.
I'm not leaving this bed, am I?
I wouldn't say that, Mrs. Benning--
(interjecting, Bubble 2)
I've lived too long to be coddled from the truth. Besides...I feel it's near my time.