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The Community, Issue 4: Part 4.3

Page 101 Panel 1: Cut to a shot of her rooting through a nearby garbage can moments later in search of something; a rush of wind and power coming from off-panel right, signifying that she had quickly ran from her last point in the previous page. You can see someone walking by to the side of the background, slightly puzzled by the scene.

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Moments later, we see Winnie back out of the trash can holding a black straw in her right hand.


Yay...and ew!!

Panel 3: Action shot of her quickly spinning the straw from side to side with her super quick hand as she walks, trying to clean off whatever gunk happened to be on it.


I know this isn't "by the book" how to do it. But if I've got Luke Cage muscles now, might as well put 'em to good use alongside the superspeed.

Panel 4: We shift to Adasha at the bed moments later, barely clinging to life as the fluid builds up again in her lungs. As before, you can hear off-panel the power and rush of wind just like in the top of the page.


(Cont., Winnie)

"Even in long shots!"

Panel 5: A two-part set of panels that focuses back on Ms. Letesha in the room once more. In the first part, she approaches the side of her bed; the straw raised high above her head.

Panel 6: In the second part, we shift to a shot of the straw plunging directly into the old woman's adam's apple. You can see a little bloop of the fluid starting to filter out of the top of the straw.

Page 102

Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that shows Winnie, with the mask now off, trying to free out with her mouth as much of the gunk as possible. You can see more of it coming out of the straw and down to her neck.

Panel 2: In the second part, moments later, the young woman comes up for a bit of a breath; a pained, queasy look on her face as she's going through those motions.


Tastes like my Gran's burnt Bobotie! Please tell me it at least worked though.

Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The amount of gunk has dissipated immensely, leaving only a little stream of invisible air coming out of the top of it; the EKG beeping the normal rhythms of the human heart. The young nurse looks on with a great deal of relief that it worked, slipping the mask back onto her face.


(Cont., to herself) Oh, thank you weird alien metal lady...!


(Off-Panel, to Winnie) Whoa...

Panel 4: Cut to a shot of Dr. Mokoena entering the room, moving toward the young nurse with a noticeable look of respect for the accomplishment. You can see a surgeon behind her, carrying supplies for what they perceived was an emergency.


(Cont.) That was all you? Great work, Nurse.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 1) Aren't we all! What happened to your clipboard?

Panel 5: Back to a slight close-up on Winnie, blushing slightly and grinning at the compliment. You can see the EKG machine partially behind her as she speaks.


(humble, to Dr. Mokoena) Yes, thank you, Doctor. Just--acted on instinct.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 2) ...Must have stepped on it by accident.

Panel 6: We move back to the good Doctor; the setting and layout similar to Panel 4. She gives a slight nod of appreciation to the story. You can see her right arm stretched behind her toward the surgeon as she speaks.


Happens to the best of us. You're welcome to stay on, if you're feeling up to it.


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