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The Community, Issue 6: Part 2.3

Page 142 Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that moves back to Anna on the other side of the table. In the first part, as she takes a sip of her wine glass, the mother examines her child for signs of any type of hidden truth underneath the statement.

Panel 2: In the next part, a few moments later, she lowers her glass back down on the table top. You can see in her eyes that she spotted something, but is holding back revealing it to them.


(changing the topic, to Seanna) ...Have you heard anything from Kroger?

Panel 3: Seanna shrugs in response, glancing up at their mother as they speak; the tips of the fork pointing down at the plate above the cinnamon roll.


(blase, to Anna) Hadn't really thought about them honestly. I figured my job was probably filled when I was declared dead.

Panel 4: Same setting/layout as Panel 2. She displays a more optimistic manner than her son as she speaks. To the right off-panel, you can hear her phone ringing.


Maybe, maybe not. It wouldn't hurt to double check though. I mean you were able to get back to school after being labeled dead.

(Bubble 2) Hold on.

Panel 5: Action shot of Seanna carving up another chunk of cinnamon roll, pondering the idea to themselves. You can hear the sound of footsteps on the floor off-panel.


(thought bubble) That's a really good point...

Panel 6: Same layout of Seanna's face and top half of their body as the previous panel, but with more business-like attire on. The setting behind them has changed to the front entrance of Kroger the next day; a section of cars and a few shopping carts visible in the background.


Kroger- Next Morning

Page 143

Panel 1: Action shot of the young person stepping through the checkout area, looking around off-panel left at the store. Seanna has a nostalgic look on their face regarding what they're seeing. You can see little bits of Christmas stuff scattered about said area.


It's kinda comforting the place hasn't changed. Part of me was scared Amazon would've bought it out by--

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Suddenly, a robot with a full shopping cart worth of groceries buzzes out from the off-panel left area, nearly checking Watkins in the process.


(from its rectangular speaker mouth)

Out of the way- Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

Panel 3: Seanna watches a few moments later as the robot wheels out said groceries to a waiting family parked out to receive the groceries.



Well, changed a lot anyway.

Panel 4: We move to an interior shot of Seanna's former boss Carol at her desk as this goes on. She's engaged in some administrative work on a slimmed down MacBook Pro, unaware of any action going on outside.


(Cont., Seanna)

"Note to self: make one of those as a helper around the apartment."

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A short time later, we hear a "TAP TAP!" sound from the door. Carol looks up from her work; a spark of joy just beginning to ignite upon seeing who it is.


(Off-Panel, to Carol)

Hey boss...!



Holy shit...I was wondering when were you were gonna pop by!


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