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The Community, Issue 7: Part 1.1

Page 157 Panel 1: A few weeks pass by, and we see Seanna at the kitchen table going over the thick coursebook of classes for Spring '23 at Sac State. You can see their partially eaten lunch in the lower part of the panel.


(Off-Panel) Breaking news from Brazil- there are reports of an explosion at a high end apartment complex in the town of Ipanema.

Panel 2: Cut to a shot of the TV screen, showing grainy footage of two specks leaping out of the view of a sizable building fire in the upper floors of a luxury apartment building.


(Cont., Off-Panel) The complex is 20 minutes from the headquarters of Brazil's largest hedge fund C&H Holdings. We don't know if there's a connection to this, or to the previous pair of explosions that occurred two weeks ago.

Panel 3: Back to Seanna a beat later looking over at the TV, checking out part of the rest of the story. You can see their left hand underneath part of the coursebook, lifting it up slightly.


(Cont., Off-Panel) We'll try to get our correspondent in Rio de Janeiro, Simona Miles, to try to get more information about the death toll or a response from President Sousa...

Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. He turns away from the TV at the sound of a phone ringing somewhere off-panel.



"Lucky you and your friends got outta there in one piece."

Panel 5: We flashback two weeks ago, back to the moment Celia and Jesminder joined forces in Issue 6. They're seated at a coffee shop outdoors for breakfast; Jes on a laptop, Celia eating an omelette and listening.


(Cont., on the bright side; to Celia) At least you were able to 'port out of Santos' place with the zip drive before he popped up.


(slight chuckles, to Jesminder) Yeah. Setting off the oven accidentally wasn't the greatest.


(Bubble 2) He can afford another one!


(Bubble 2) True spot any evil dealings of this on it?

Page 158

Panel 1: Cut to a shot of Ms. Gupta a few moments later, noticing a piece of information on screen that answers her friend's question.


(to Celia) No, but there was a name that kept popping up. You ever heard of Alexander Walsh?


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1) Apparently, he and Mr. Costa have been friends for nearly a decade.

Panel 2: Celia instantly lights up with remembrance upon hearing the name; her hand wrapped around the cocktail she's drinking at that moment.


(knowing, to Jesminder) Oh, I know that asshole well! He's a high dollar funder of Sousa's who helped write the check for the Memorial of the Departed in Rio.

Panel 3: A two-part set of panels that consists of separate snapshots of the two men over time. In the first part, we see Costa and Walsh shaking hands over a board room; a check on the table between them.


(Cont. Jesminder)

"Costa helped provide some initial seed money for Walsh's company."

Panel 4: In the second part, years later, we see the two of them shake hands warmly in Walsh's top floor office regarding a job.


(Cont., Jesminder)

"Walsh in turn provided some sweetheart stock deal, and got a lot of his richie rich buddies to tag along at Costa's company. He also brought Costa in as his consigliere."

Panel 5: Back at the present, she looks up from the laptop directly at her friend's puzzled face; the setting similar to Panel 1, though the layout has turned to a side shot.


(Cont., clarifying) You know...from The Godfather?

(Bubble 2, annoyed sigh) Anyway...!

Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel, consisting of the other half of it. In particular, Celia's clearly puzzled look even through the young/old woman's explanation. You can see her send out a slight shrug connected to the puzzled body language.


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