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The Community, Issue 7: Part 4.3

Page 179

Panel 1: At a table near the kitchen, Winnie and Jesminder are deep in discussion; the papers gathered both by the former (seated to the left) and Celia earlier on. As Ms. Gupta speaks, you can see part of the cup of tea floating in her direction.


(shakes her head, to Jesminder) That was all with Walsh and his IT team, far above my job description.


(inquisitive, to Winnie) How'd you get your hands on it then?


(Bubble 2) Pure chance, actually.

Panel 2: Cut to a close-up on Winnie a short time later, wrapping both her hands around the cup of tea readying to take a sip.


(explanatory) Someone from his team E-Mailed me the code about a month ago. No name, no initials- just that and the outline you read.

Panel 3: We move to a similarly framed close-up on Jes a few moments later as the cup gently rests in the palm of her hand. You can see her level of interest rise considerably at this bit of news.


(sensing a red flag) You had this info for a month?! You didn't think to spill this to the press the moment you saw it?

Panel 4: Same setting/layout as Panel 3. You can see a sense of defensiveness in her eyes as she speaks; the cup to her lips, mid-sip.


(defensive) I was petrified I'd lose my job and get kicked out of the country. Besides, you've seen how little the 1% are to people like us.

Panel 5: A two-part set of panels that moves back to Ms. Gupta; the setting and layout similar to Panel 3. Her face shifts toward mutual sympathy; a chuckle spurting out as she lifts the cup to her lips.


(sympathetic) All too bloody well sometimes...! The important part is you're here. We can start piecing what to do next.

Panel 6: In the second part, after the sip, she grins pleased at the quality of the cup she's seen.


(Cont., to Lynn) Fantastic cuppa for an American, Lynn.


(Off-Panel) Thanks!

Panel 7: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. As she sets the cup on the table, an idea pops into her head.


(to Celia) Cee, I remember you said you had a friend in I/T?

Page 180

Panel 1: We move to a shot of Celia, standing and stretching a bit standing in front of the broken couch. You can see the TV partially in the lower part of the background.


(Cont., Off-Panel) You think you can get in touch with your friend without Walsh's minions pouncing on us?


(thinking, to Jesminder) Probably, yeah. She's selective about who she talks to, and doesn't like traveling outside of her flat that often.

Panel 2: Back to Ms. Gupta a beat later, glancing over at her tea as she raises it up for another sip.


I have experience dealing with stubborn people before. I can handle that.

Panel 3: We move back to Celia; the setting/layout the same as Panel 2. She shakes her head, and flashes a correcting/explanatory look on her face. On the TV, you can see what appears to be- at least partially- a breaking news segment playing.


Never said she was stubborn...

Panel 4: Winnie is the first person to notice the news story, standing up from her chair and signaling to the others what she's seeing.


(worried) I have a quick question...

Panel 5: Cut to a shot of the screen showing clips of an FBI press conference taking place live. In the chyron to the bottom of the screen, you can see: "FBI Press Conference on Ipanema Attack."


(Cont., Winnie)

"How quick can you get a hold of that I/T friend?"

Page 181

Panel 1: A group shot of the three of them huddled in front of the couch, watching the story unfold in nervy silence; Celia in the middle, with Jesminder and Winnie at the wings.


(reassuring, to Jesminder and Winnie)

At least we've had experience running away from scary people with guns...


(correcting, to Celia) Barely most times!


(Bubble 2) The point is: we did it before. We can do it now.

Panel 2: Slight close-up on Ms. Gupta a beat later, looking over at Lynn as she walks over in the direction of the group.


(to Lynn) Thank you for your hospitality. I'd understand if you want us to leave right now. This kind of push from the FBI- I can't imagine it's something you want to--


(interjecting, to Jesminder) It's perfectly fine. You seem like pretty cool chicks...

Panel 3: She looks over at Celia, who is watching the rest of the press conference, as she finishes off the rest of thought.


(Cont., a little flirty glint) In more ways than one!​

Panel 4: We move to a slight close-up on Lynn's face a moment later, tilting her gaze back to Jes for the rest of the thought. You can see her return to the same calm demeanor as from Panel 2.


(Cont.) Besides, don't you have some type of can use to help--

Panel 5: Mid-thought, the power goes out in her apartment; the group tensing up in preparation for whatever might be coming.

Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A few moments later, Lynn breaks the silence; the faint sound of footsteps coming from somewhere out of view, unsure whether it's far away or close.


(breaking the ice; to Jesminder, Celia and Winnie) ...Any you guys ever see The Raid?


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