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The Community, Issue 8: Part 1.3

Page 186 Panel 1: Action shot of a sleek Mini Cooper driving onto the scene in front of the group of ladies; Seanna at the driver's seat, waving to them with a friendly smile on their face.


(to the group) Hello again...always wanted to be the Jarvis of a superhero team!

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Moments after the group are inside, we see the Mini doing a 180 back out toward the exit.

Panel 3: Cut to an interior shot of the car a short time later. The young person looks over at Celia (in the backseat alongside Winnie and Jesminder) to address her helpfully.


(suggestive, to Celia) There's seat warmers under your seat, if you need 'em.

Panel 4: A two-part set of panels that shifts to Celia. In the first part, she glances over at a little console on the backseat door nearest her.


(Cont., Off-Panel) Just press one of the buttons on the console.



(thought bubble) This dude's a little bit chipper. But Lynn seems to trust​ them, and besides- I can use the relaxation...

Panel 5: In the second part, a few seconds later, waves of energy start pulsing up and down her back; a look of ecstatic joy instantly placed on her body.


...nAAAHHAH! Oh....mim fode!

Panel 6: Back at the driver's seat, we see Lynn and Seanna exchanging nice pleasantries amongst the two of them; the car just beginning to turn right. In the background, you can see Winnie- sparked with curiosity by what Celia's dealing with; her eyes looking over to the console near her.


(appreciative, to Seanna) Thanks for the assist, bud. I know you probably got last minute school stuff to deal with.


(nonchalant, to Lynn) No worries! I don't have much else to deal with on that matter. And Mom's got work stuff to deal with, so she was eager to see me out.​


(Bubble 2) Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever asked- does she know about your magic stuff?


(Bubble 2) She was the first person I told her about it. Well- more discovered to be exact...​

Page 187

Panel 1: Jesminder tilts her head up toward the front seat upon hearing the word "magic"; her level of interest in the conversation sparked by said word.


(to Seanna) You do magic, too?

Panel 2: Seanna nods, glancing over in her direction with the assist of the rearview mirror as they drive. You can see the road in front of them as they speak.


(nods, to Jesminder) Ever since I woke up from my coma.


(reflected from the windshield) What kind of magic?


(Bubble 2) Creation magic, among other...non-magic related stuff. Anything I can think of becomes reality, including the car we're in now.


(Bubble 2) Much like that Marvel hero- the Scarlet Witch.


(Bubble 3) Pretty much, yeah...

Panel 3: We move back to Ms. Borah in the same setting/layout as Panel 1 a few moments later. You can see visible surprise on her face upon noticing an emotional tell emanating from Watkins.


(surprised) I--I don't mean to pry, and feel free to shoot me down. But may I ask what you saw while you were under, before your powers manifested?


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 1) Emotional telekinesis- one of my "non-magical" powers.

Panel 4: Seanna nods again and sighs, turning their gaze back to the road in front of them; a look of confusion and equal surprise on their face as they speak.


Pretty tough question to answer. I'm still wrapping my head around what I saw. How did you notice it?

Panel 5: Same setting as the previous panel. The layout widens to take in the rest of the car, which has screeched to a sudden halt; the impact of which snaps Celia and Winnie from their respective happy massage bubbles. The only sign of what caused them to stop is a hard "THUMP!"


(mouth agape) Whoa...!


(nods, to the backseat) Yep...any of you guys back there ready for round 2?

Panel 6: We shift over to a shot of Celia, steeling and muscling up at the proclamation; a playful grin over her face.


(to Lynn) All day, every day atraente...


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