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The Community, Issue 8: Part 4.2

Page 202 Panel 1: Cut to a shot of a newspaper photo of the medical building; blown out windows and a plume of smoke emanating from the entrance. The headline above said photo reads- "Terror at Free Clinic; 5 Dead, 22 Wounded."


(Data Box)

"Phase 2 Commencing"

Panel 2: We move to a shot of a slightly younger man on his laptop, interacting on 8chan with likeminded colleagues. In the background, on the wall, you can see an Infowars poster.

Panel 3: Later on, we see the same man searching on Google, "Drone Airspace." On a separate half of the screen is an image of a post describing the "Martyrs work" of the "Columbus Crew" (aka the militia from the previous page). They also talk about how what it's a start of a "bigger awakening" with the anniversary of the virus' first case in the U.S. next month and that "We will never be silenced!"



"Hell of a way to end the year!"

Panel 4: Cut to Seanna and a cousin watching news of the aftermath of the attack next to Lynn; the Christmas tree partially visible to the right, and the busy kitchen in the background.


(nods to Lynn) I was kinda hoping we had gone past that particular bit of idiocy from the pandemic.


(scoffs, to Seanna) We're humans- stupidity's kind of ingrained in our DNA at this point.


(Bubble 2) Sad and true...​

Panel 5: Slight close-up on Lynn a beat later; her phone ringing on her lap. You can see by the text alarm that it comes from C-Norita (her cutesy nickname for Celia).


(Cont., Off-Panel) You got lucky with that one, didn't you?


(half grin) Yep, I really did...!

Panel 6: We move to a shot of Watkins a few moments later as she answers the text. You can see a caring look on their face as they speak.



Don't think I've ever seen you blush like that, all the time I've known you.​

Page 203

Panel 1: We move back to Lynn; the same setting and layout as Panel 5 of the previous page. She glances over at her phone for a beat as she replies; a glint of true love on her face.


(slight nod, to Seanna) I feel like I'm walking on a cloud every time I'm with her. I'm not sure if you've ever felt--​

Panel 2: A two-part set of panels that takes in both of them a few moments later. In the first part, she looks over at Seanna as they continue watching whatever's on TV then.

Panel 3: In the second part, she reaches out and touches the top of Watkins' hand; a knowing look of love and care on her face.


(knowing) How long?​


(looks over with some surprise, to Lynn) What do you mean?


(Bubble 2) You know what I mean.


(Bubble 2) I...A few weeks after we became friends, if I'm honest.

Panel 4: Slight close-up on the young person's face, glancing away and flashing a bit of red on their cheeks at the declaration.


(Cont., explanatory) I didn't think there was much hope it'd come to anything, given the whole sex thing.


(Off-Panel) There's always polyamory.


(Bubble 2) True. I don't wanna push you guys into anything you're not comfortable with though.

Panel 5: Cut to a similarly framed close-up on Lynn's face a beat later. You can see a half grin on her face, finishing the rest of her thought.


I'll tell you what. If we ever go down the polyamorous route, you'll be my first Secondary partner. Deal?

Panel 6: Back to Seanna; the same setting/layout as Panel 4. They look over at their friend with the same type of warmth and love, nodding confidently at the offer. Off-panel, you can hear a subtle set of drums signaling Celia's return to the scene.


(similar half grin) Deal...!


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