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The Community, Issue 9: Part 1.2

Page 209 Panel 1: Already knowing precisely what her superior is referring to, the Assistant extends the tablet to him as he goes within arm stretched distance.


(to Walsh) A partial face, but it was enough to piece a profile together as well as a case work file.

Panel 2: Walsh reads his assistant's work; his left hand gripping the side of the tablet. You can clearly see he likes what he sees.


(to Assistant) Splendid...the cases listed: are they by duration since it was opened or difficulty of solving?

Panel 3: Cut to the assistant standing next to him as they're walking to the door; her hands behind her back as she speaks.


Duration. Though there is some overlay in the middle of the file. Those with the highest positive potential for intervention.

Panel 4: At the doorway moments later, the billionaire CEO hands the tablet back to his underling with one simple command.


I feel partial to #17- Chris Mullins jersey number.


(affirmative nod) I'll send it to command to input it. Same strategy as Joliet?


(Bubble 2) Indeed...should be enough to get 'em to 200.


(Bubble 2) You think so?

Panel 5: We move to a shot of Walsh glancing over at his underling a moment later as they turn toward the hallway; a confident look firmly plastered on his face.


Without question! If working with these stuffed shirt, gullible Boomers and Gen X-ers has taught me anything...

Panel 6: In the pocket dimension room, we see Winnie on a laptop quickly typing away; a tall bottle of Cream soda Twizza on the ground next to her.


(Cont., Walsh)

"It's that they'll happily agree to anything you put in front of them, as long as they think it profits them."

Page 210

Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. A few moments later, the young woman pulls back after suffering a slight burning sensation from her fingertips.

Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Jesminder walking in from the upstage area just at the second this happens; a look of slight worry on her face.


(to Winnie) You okay, Winnie?

Panel 3: Back to Ms. Letesha glancing over at her friend, quickly wringing her to help soothe the pain.


(nods, to Jesminder) Just a little friction sting in my hands. It happens with keyboards...certain smartphones. But really comes in handy with some vending machines.

Panel 4: We move back to Ms. Borah a few moments later; her care split between her friend and the data on the laptop.


(sighs) Tell me you didn't fry the backdoor key Yo-Yo made with those speed bolts of yours.


(Off-Panel, interjecting) First off, "speed bolts" aren't a thing. I think...

Panel 5: Cut back to Winnie a moment later, still in fuel of her retort. In the background, you can see the computer screen essentially unchanged from her work at the end of the previous page.


(Cont.) And secondly, when I made the laptop, I added a liquid polyimide base mixed with a dash of phenolics to the hard drive for extra protection.


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