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The Community, Issue 9: Part 4.3

Page 229 Panel 1: Cut to a shot of Leonard on the phone, pacing in front of a charging station; his suitcase resting on a stool in front of him.


(Cont., frustrated) What the hell was I supposed to do?! The kid was as big as a linebacker! I'd be in a fucking box if I didn't pull the trigger...

Panel 2: Slight close-up on the old man a few moments later; his anger settled slightly by what he's hearing.


(Cont., nods)

I know. I've already gotten a ton of hate mail from the usual SJWs, the Gen Zers, Antifa. I installed a Spam Blocker for those entitled pricks before I got here.

(Bubble 2) ...I appreciate the union's backing, Chuck. Gonna need every bit of it, especially with the IA report in a few weeks and then the grand jury after that--


(Off-Panel) Excuse me, sir.

Panel 3: We move to a shot of Amelia standing in front of him with a faux apologetic look on her face, clutching part of the strap to her purse. You can partially see the line she was standing in in the background.


(Cont., to Leonard) Sorry for interrupting. But you just look familiar...

Panel 4: Back to Leonard lookin at the young woman with a great deal of annoyance at her presence; his hand on the receiver end of the phone, blocking it out.


(annoyed, to Amelia) Yes, I'm the "pig cop" Leonardo Sanderson from Chicago that senselessly ended the 17-year-old soon-to-be Julliard student. If you're looking for a statement, I got 3 words for ya and 2 exclamation points at the end--

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. She takes an extra step toward him, shifting to a faux sympathetic look on her face.


(interjecting) You misunderstand me, Detective. My name is Cora Alvarez, I work for Fitz-Tarleton. I was hoping for a few minutes of your time...


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1) For now. Given how many cops get away with it, I figure it couldn't hurt to be on the ground floor once your...little headache's addressed.

Panel 6: We move back to a shot of Mr. Sanderson, raising an upturned eyebrow at the last part of her statement.


I'm on administrative leave. Can't really assist whatever the hell you're thinking.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 2) Okay. What are you offering?

Panel 7: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. As he hears the rest of Cora/Amelia's spiel, you can see a smile cut across his lips.

Page 230

Panel 1: Flashback to Jesminder in the dimensional room prior to Amelia leaving, laying out one last point to the young woman before she left.


(to Amelia) Now, when you get in touch with Leonard, make sure you schmooze him; lure him into a false sense of security. If he has his Dad's ego, that should be a pretty easy endeavor. Then...

Panel 2: Same setting as the previous panel. The layout widens slightly as, a few moments later, a tiny glass vial appears hovering above her right palm.


(Cont.) You drop this into his food or drink, and note every syllable that vomits out of his little mouth.

Panel 3: Amelia takes the vial from the young/old woman a few moments later, flashing a puzzled and impressed look at the contents inside.


(to herself) Could've used this years ago...!

Panel 4: We move back to Ms. Borah, pondering the question in real time; her gaze shifting down off-panel left to the floor.


(Cont., Off-Panel) What if he has a negative reaction to the potion? If he explodes for example, or turns into a bird or--


I doubt he'll explode. As for the first part...Celia's told me how resourceful you are.

Panel 5: Back in the present, at a bar across the street from the convention, we see Cora/Amelia and Leonard conversing one another as she provides the details of the "generous offer" mentioned in the previous page.


(Cont., Jesminder)

"I trust you can find a way to get out of it."

Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Minutes later, he glances down to see who's phoning him at that moment.


(apologetic, to Amelia) It's the missus- one second...


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