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The Strongest Force Alive, Part 1.3

Page 7

Panel 1: Fran fully opens her eyes a beat later, still getting her bearings together as she speaks. You can see an assembly of buildings quickly zipping by in the background.


(subtle nod, curious; translated from German) I can see that...what happened exactly? Was there an issue with the IDs you made us?

Panel 2: Back to Kristof at the wheel, glancing at Fran to answer her while also pressing a button hidden in the back of the right side of the wheel.


(defensive, to Fran; translated from German) No, they passed through just as I hoped! There was a...complication of a personal nature.


What kind of complication?


(Bubble 2) You remember my estranged cousin Friedrich?

Panel 3: Flash back to a shot of him and the guard in the middle of their discussion. In the background, you can see another guard walk by and flash a knowing look in regards to Kristof.


(Cont., Kristof)

"Well, I saw him for the first time in a little over 3 years, dressed in the soulless finery of the Luftwaffe."

Panel 4: Meanwhile, back in the present, we see coming out of the bottom of Kristof's airship a metal football-shaped device; its lone rocket moving toward the enemy target.


(Off-Panel, translated from German) How certain are you he won't put two and two together?


(Off-Panel) Oh, he's a true believer, last I saw of him. I hold no doubts he's doing it now.

Panel 5: Action shot of the device moments later as it reaches its target. You can see a bright yellow glow beginning to quickly rise up from within just before...



"Luckily, I developed an insurance policy in case of such a development."

Panel 6:'s covered in a blinding yellow light that acts as a proverbial smoke screen for our heroes.

Page 8

Panel 1: Close-up on the Nazi airman, doing their level best moments later to keep an eye on their target. You can see their left hand pressing a button on their wheel at the same time.

Panel 2: A stream of bullets pour out from one of the ship's wings a few seconds later; the rest of the ship visible in the panel trying to straighten out at the same time.

Panel 3: A two-part set of panels that shows Kristof's ship steering over to the right, doing its best to avoid the bullets as they zip past them into the evening air.

Panel 4: In the second part, brief moments later, we see one of the bullets hitting the left rear side of the airship; sparks and bits of metal shooting out in all directions.




Panel 5: Cut to Kristof a short time later at the wheel, trying to stabilize the wheel with one hand and pressing as many buttons as possible to deal with the damage.


(Cont., translated from German) Good news, ladies- I think I can keep us from exploding into a million pieces at the moment. Slightly bad news'll come with a really bumpy landing.

Panel 6: We move to a side shot of the airship minutes later making its last dip toward a grassy field miles away.


(Cont., Kristof)

"Hold on...!


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