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The Strongest Force Alive, Part 2.1

Page 9 Panel 1: Action shot of the airship coming to a violent landing onto said field, buoyed by a raft that circles the entire diameter of the vehicle. You can see Fran downstage of the shot, tensing up and absorbing the impact. Reina, meanwhile, is much more calmer while engaging in the same relative action.

Panel 2: Same setting as the previous panel, though with a different layout taken a short time later as the airship comes to a complete stop; the passengers inside relaxing (as much as could be expected).

Panel 3: Cut to a close-up on our heroines moments later, stepping out as quickly as possible regarding the threat at hand.


(glancing at the floor, to Kristof; translated from German) Kristof...Kristof! You think he--?


(worried sigh, to Fran; translated from German) Possibly. Right now, my worries are pointed in the direction of the Brownshirts likely closing in on us as we speak.


(Bubble 2) Fair point...I'll focus my efforts on Kris, as well as an exit.


(Bubble 2) I'll stick with any weapon nearby we can utilize. I wouldn't mind one of those ridiculous, phallic looking American boom sticks right about...

Panel 4: Her train of thought comes to a crawl upon the discovery of Kristof's badly wounded body, slumped over the wheel as a result of one of the stray bullets striking him.


(Cont., worried) Kris!


(weak, pained; translated from German) Leave...please!


(Bubble 2) You're not giving up on me now. You've got plenty left in the tank.

Panel 5: Slight close-up on Fran just as she steps past the raft and onto the ground; a look of concern and sadness on her face as she speaks.


(hopeful) There's a more than fair chance we can get you to a friendly doctor nearby, tend to the wound before...

Panel 6: We move to a shot of Kristof, lifting his head off the wheel with as much energy as possible in order to get his point across. As he speaks, you can see his hand reaching out to a hidden button.


(interjecting, with respect and honesty) The closest doctor is half an hour from here. You guys...probably have...half...that. GO!

Page 10

Panel 1: Action shot from the rear of the felled airship, showing the trunk door opening up to reveal what's inside that Fran and Reina are just beginning to spot.


(Cont., Kristof)

"Find safety...then get to business!"

Panel 2: We move to a shot of the pair a short time later setting off down the field courtesy of the contents of the truck: a rocket powered Segway device.



"With heavy hearts, they set off from the broken down airship in search of a safe harbor from Hitler's dark shadow."


(Cont., Narrator)

"For a little while, there was a nice period of silence, even with the lack of progress toward the main goal.

Panel 3: Suddenly, a massive explosion coming from off-panel right which stops the pair in their tracks.


(Cont., Narrator)

"Unfortunately, as you saw with your very eyes, peace was a...wily beast- to say the least."

Panel 4: They turn around a few beats later to find a pair of Himmelstor ships descending to their position, along with a Jeep of will-be SS grunts moving toward them.

Panel 5: A two-part set of panels that moves back to a shot of Fran and Reina, ready to take on the force as much as possible. Each of them is armed with the same rocket segway that has morphed into a sword/laser shooter.


(Cont., Narrator)

"Amidst the tumult, the spark of fate struck once more, bringing our third protagonist to the story."

Panel 6: In the second part, we see the two mecha ladies glancing up a beat later after recognizing the spark that came from the previous panel.


(whispering, to Reina; translated from German) You felt that as well, right?


(nods, with no shortage of confusion; translated from German) ...New electricity based weapon?


(Bubble 2) Oh, I hope not! That'd be a horrifying way to meet our end.


(Bubble 2)

Yes. Yes, it would. It could also be someone with wheels getting us the hells out of here.


(Bubble 3) A fortuitous break- that'd be a nice change of pace.

Page 11

Panel 1: Back to a shot of the soldiers moments later; some of those in the front of the line look up as something rushes in to the scene off-panel, playing an old World War I song.

Panel 2: Before they could register what they're seeing, a canister lands in the middle of the field which releases a white fog that permeates in all directions to the assembled force...

Panel 3: ...leaving them unconscious with their guns on the ground. The only sound in the scene comes from off-panel right as landing wheels touch the ground just as the music comes to an end.


(Off-Panel, translated from German) That never gets old...!

Panel 4: Cut to a shot of ORKUN HERNE standing in the doorway of a souped-up Police box, armored up with separate hatches at the side where the weapons pop up from.


(Cont., grinning proudly; to Fran and Reina, translated from German) The name's Orku Herne. Welcome to Belgium. Big fan of your guys' work, by the way.

Panel 5: We switch to an interior of Orkun's craft moments after it's taken off with Fran and Reina inside. You can see the towering Romani man at the wheel, looking outside via a viewscreen.


(impressed, to Orkun; translated from German) Thanks, Mr. have you not been snatched up by the military by now?


(snarky, to Reina) Besides my lovely brown skin? Gotta thank my tribe for such aptitude.


(fascinated, to Orkun; translated from German) You're Romani?


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