The Strongest Force Alive, Part 2.2
Page 12 Panel 1: Slight close-up on Orkun a beat later, shifting toward a more contemplative and slightly sad body language as he speaks.
(translated from German) Yep. I came from a tribe that settled up in Langenhangen. Since I was a teen, I'd been tasked to upkeep for the mecha brothers and sisters who found home with us. Not to mention the usual bigoted actions from locals trying to make our lives a living hell.
Panel 2: Fran shoots a curious glance from another part of the ship, inspired in part by a point that pops into her head.
(to Orkun, translated from German) I don't need to ask what brought you over 500 km from home, do I?
Panel 3: Mr. Herne shoots a glance along with a raised eyebrow, chuckling at the comment and shaking his head. You can also see a glint of curiosity toward the two ladies situation.
So, what's the story with you two? I have a guess, but I also don't want to presume that...
Panel 4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel, taken moments later. His train of thought is disrupted then by a pocket watch belonging to Fran, which he catches.
Panel 5: Action shot of him opening the watch up, glancing over at the left side where the photo is contained...
Panel 6: ...A split second later, he looks up at the protagonists with a completely understanding look on his face.
Ah, nice. I was right.
(Bubble 2) You two look quite adorable, I must say.
Page 13
Panel 1: A short time later, we see Fran inside Orkun's ship looking over at the scenery from the off-panel view screen with a curious and confused look on her face as she speaks.
(confused, to Orkun; translated from German) I thought you said we'd be entering Brussels by now.
Panel 2: Orkun glances over in the mecha woman's direction as he steps away from the wheel for a brief bit toward some unseen point.
(reassuring and explanatory, to Fran; translated from German) We will. I just had to steer toward a...more friendlier part of the border, to avoid your guys' previous bit of ugliness.
Panel 3: At another part of the small ship, Reina flashes a worried look connected to the word "friendlier" in the statement.
(seeking more info, to Orkun; translated from German) I appreciate the forethought, Orkun. But what precisely do you mean by "friendlier?"
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 1) How certain are you this area won't be that horrid?
Panel 4: Back to a shot of Mr. Herne standing in front of what looks like a fax machine with a speaker attached to the left corner and placed on a little pedestal.
In short, friend Ren- an area where you and your mecha-missus won't be shot or gutted.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 2) ...60% certain.
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A screeching machine sound bellows out from the speaker a few moments later, drawing Orkun's attention toward the machine.
Panel 6: Slight close-up on the paper display on the machine moments later, showing a stream of ones and zeroes that emanate from the machine in sync with the sound.