The Strongest Force Alive, Part 4.1
Page 23 Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that shows the metal weapon first crossing through the magical force field that was formed like a hot knife through butter. Then...
Panel 2: ...exploding smack dab in the middle of the ward, exploding it into a flurry of brightly colored bits.
Panel 3: Cut to a shot of Victor in his office, noticing the explosion outside. He reaches out for his rifle which is placed on the far edge of the desk, mentally readying for battle.
Panel 4: Action shot of him a few moments later, walking through a hallway; red eyes popping up at different points to the right and left, showing the private Brawler bots that comprise his security detail.
(translated from Dutch) Sentries 1 through 3- activate! Protect the assets at all cost.
Panel 5: We jump to outside the lot a short time later, each of the 3 Sentries flanked behind him with guns raised. You can see a look of bemused annoyance on Victor's face, touched with a raised eyebrow, as he speaks.
(Cont., to Orkun; translated from German) I've heard tales about the Gypsy scum and his little mechanical harem, skittering the rats off the ship and left for dead. Which is precisely what you'll be by daybreak.
Panel 6: Cut to a shot of Orkun stepping out of his airship with Fran standing alongside him to the right, firing back with a witty bit of bravado.
(snarky, to Victor; translated from German) You may dress up as the fancy man, thanks to all your money. But you're no different than the long list of evil assholes I know.
(jumping on, to Victor; translated from German) Petrified of the future, eager to lock the world in amber as long as you rule over it.
(Bubble 2) And like all assholes, they meet their painful, well earned ends. Which begins now- everyone...!
Page 24
Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page, moments later. He takes a few steps toward the group when he gets stopped by Victor's voice off-panel. You can see Fran raising a comm up to chest level in the background.
(Off-Panel, to Orkun; translated from German) Don't take another step...
Panel 2: We move back to Victor a beat later, finishing off his threatening pose began in Panel 1. In the background, you can see the glint of one of the Sentries' guns trained squarely on our protagonists.
(Cont.) I would hate to have to ding up that...unique little ride of yours, or the rest of your mongrel friends.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 1) There's no way you know about the Wings of Zeus, or can stop it.
Panel 3: Orkun chuckles lightly, and flashes a side grin- unfazed at the threat.
Honestly? I'd be a little more concerned about your little rides, including the secret ones you're building underneath this very lot.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 2) Ah, that Nazi ego...always worth a good chuckle.
Panel 4: Cut to Fran a few moments later, raising her comm up to mouth level shortly after getting the secret signal in the previous panel.
(Cont., Orkun)
"Not so much for your boss in a few minutes."
(to Reina, stoic) 11-00-1-10-00_00-11-1_ 00-1-1-11, 00-1_ 10-1-11-1...!
Panel 5: We move to a shot of Reina at one of the hideouts nearby, yelling out a command to her section of the excited makeshift army. You can see the comm in her left hand lowering to her side, shortly following her command to the other leader at the other hideout.
(excited, to the crowd) 11-00-1-10-00_00-11-1_ 00-1-1-11...!
Panel 6: Action shot of the crowds moving out a short time later from each respective hideaway a short time later, letting out a battle cry as they go along.
Page 25
Panel 1: Victor, tensing up slightly upon hearing the cries in Fronary and the pounding fists on the fence, signals toward Sentry 3 to take to the sky to deal with the hordes.
Panel 2: We move to a shot of Sentry 3 a beat later, being held back by some type of mystery force that proverbially chains it in place.
(Off-Panel, translated from German) Micro Radar jammer- makes sure your little buddies stay right where they are.
Panel 3: Cut to Orkun looking at him heroically a beat later; a red dot flashing underneath the left part of his chest where he pressed a button back in the previous panel.
(Cont.) It's also packed with a mix of gunpowder and modified Nitroglycerin. With the press of a button, it goes off and...KABOOM! All your pretty toys and money goes to flames.
(Bubble 2) Your call: Humiliation and still living, or...
Panel 4: Victor shifts his gaze toward the fence, hearing the sounds from Panel 1 growing in ever increasing strength.
(Cont., Orkun)
"The slow death of the bourgeoisie ripping you limb to limb. Which seems easy given that it's the endgame for your friendos."
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. He relents a short time later after hearing a loud "BOOMNG!" coming from off-panel as a section of the fence starts to come down.
(defiant) ...Never, you purile metal lover! LONG LIVE THE REICH!
Panel 6: Cut back to Orkun flashing an agreeing Cheshire grin in regards to the offer from the previous panel.
Gods, you Goose steppers are predictable...!
"The battle lasted for a little over an hour and a half. Some lives ended, both on the good and bad sides of the ledger. But eventually, on that February evening, the side of the Angels emerged victorious."