Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 4.1
RAIVEN You get any closer to finding out who the mystery pilot is? STEGGY (from the speakers) None. I've tried hailing it on the...
Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 3.3
Steggy glances down at her feet and notices the alcohol bottle rolling on the ground, stopping within a few millimeters of touching her....
Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 3.2
AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (stilted chuckle, to Aru) Yes Yes, I know- gotta keep it civil for the square skulled flarking... (pause,...
Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 3.1
ARU (to Dez-Lei, from the speakers) We're 100 metros from the Beacon, AC. AC SECOND CLASS DEZ-LEI (quick nod, to Aru) Thanks, Ari. ...
Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 2.3
STEGGY (Cont.) What's up, another anxiety spike? RAIVEN (shakes her head) Just--thinking on my feet. In case that SkyCruiser or one...
Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 2.2
INT. COMMAND CENTER, ATHENA-5 The good Doctor suddenly breaks out in a jolt of anxiety, pacing around the room after Steggy initiates the...
Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 2.1
RAIVEN Couldn't you just whip up something on the spot, like that time bubble thing you found back at the base? STEGGY (chuckle,...
Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 1.3
CUT TO: EXT. SEPARATE SECTION OF TA-CONTROLLED SPACE- Millions of Metros Away The A-5 coming out of the Z moments later, settling into a...
Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 1.2
RAIVEN (quick nod) The software should still be in your hard drive. STEGGY Indeed, along with a few old Newsy shows for a couple of...
Ghost Signals, Episode 3: Part 1.1
INT. COMMAND CENTER, ATHENA-5- Hours Later We open on the same image of Dr. O'Ozahl that we ended the previous episode on. Yo can see...