Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 4: Pages 13-14
PAGE 13 PANEL 1: Cut to Michele a second later, glancing down at her smart watch and typing something into the holographic screen that...
Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 4: Pages 11-12
PAGE 11 PANEL 1: We cut to a shot minutes later of Michele approaching the bar area where "GC Douche" is already seated, drinking an ale...
Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 4: Pages 9-10
PAGE 9 PANEL 1: Back to Michele moments later in the same setting and layout as Panel 5 of the previous page. After a brief flicker of...
Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 4: Pages 7-8
PAGE 7 PANEL 1-3: A three-part set of panels that focuses on the same part of the room over the course of a minute- a charger resting on...
Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 4: Pages 5-6
PAGE 5 PANEL 1: Cut to Amanda a few moments later, glancing over in her friend's direction with a clever look on her face; her hands...
Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 4: Pages 3-4
PAGE 3 EXT. AMANDA'S HOUSE, SAN MATEO- Few Hours Later PANEL 1: Cut to a shot of the street in the early afternoon where Amanda house,...
Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 4: Pages 1-2
PAGE 1 INT. BASEMENT, BOTANICAL GARDEN BOOKSTORE PANEL 1: Cut to an action shot of Adam and Brit, moments after we last left the two of...
Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 3: Pages 23-24
PAGE 23 PANEL 1: Close-up on the young woman, MICHELE, a minute later emerging from the sea of humanity that was inside the plane. She...
Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 3: Pages 21-22
PAGE 21 PANEL 1-2: A two-part set of panels that moves to a side shot of Adam and the metal bee currently hovering around on the left...
Golden Gate Comic Con, Chapter 3: Pages 19-20
PAGE 19 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO BOTANICAL GARDENS- Next Morning PANEL 1: Cut to a shot of Adam the next morning walking through the Gardens in...